Leading Hungarian politician on Ukraine’s death list

László Toroczkai, the chairman and parliamentary group leader of the right-radical Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement), having six seats in the Hungarian parliament, has been put on Ukraine’s “death list”. He said he was not afraid. You may find more details below.

Death list of Ukraine

Mr Toroczkai was threatened by Ukraine lately and has appeared on the list of “Ukraine’s enemies”. The list was published on the Internet, but the party chairman and parliamentary group leader said it was an honour to be on it instead of a real threat to him.

He greeted Poland on its national day on 11 November by tweeting a photo depicting the handshake of Polish and Hungarian soldiers at the newly established Polish-Hungarian border after the return of Transcarpathia (now a county of Ukraine) in 1939. The Ukrainian diplomacy was appalled. That is not surprising. Apart from the fact that they are at war for independence and freedom against Russia, Russian strongmen like Dmitry Medvedev, the former president of the country, regularly suggest that Romania, Hungary and Poland should reclaim what once belonged to them of Ukraine.

Map Ukraine Hungary Transcarpathia Russia Romanian rector
Read alsoRussia would give a part of Ukraine to Hungary

He already received threats from the Islamic State

Toroczkai said he received one threatening message from Ukraine on Twitter after his tweet. “That is a good rate considering the tantrum they made”, the Hungarian radical politician told Blikk, a Hungarian tabloid.

Afterwards, he appeared on Mirotvorec, a Ukrainian website listing those foreign and Ukrainian individuals they thought should be eliminated. The reason is that “he harmed Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” They wrote Toroczkai was a politician and journalist, a former leader of the revisionist Sixty-Four Counties Youth Movement, founder of the Hunnia Movement, editor-in-chief of the Magyar Jelen magazine and former vice chairman of Jobbik between 2016 and 2018.

László Toroczkai, leader of Mi Hazánk Mozgalom and the mayor of Ásotthalom
Read alsoRadical politician talks about a Hungarian-Polish border, Ukraine reacts swiftly

Ukrainian radicals put those people on their “death list” who they think are Ukraine’s enemies. Among others, the murdered Darya Dugina, the daughter of Putin’s ideologist, Alexandr Dugin, was on the list. Now she is still there but with the frightening tag: “liquidated”.

Toroczkai said he was not afraid. “It is an honour to be on that list.” He added that most of the leaders of the Transcarpathian Hungarians were already on it. He considered the Islamic State’s threats in 2016 for baulking against illegal migration more serious. Of course, he added nobody should have disregarded a threat, especially after Darya Dugina was blown up in her own car outside Ukraine, only for sharing her opinion.

“But I am not worried. I have never been, and I will never be afraid”, the Hungarian politician highlighted.

Source: blikk.hu


  1. Ukrain shows day by day their extremist ideology. Who has death lists? The terrorists. Ukrain is showing the world what kind of disgusting nazi extemists they are. I hope Russia liquidates them soon. Go Russia !!

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